Alfabe (Alphabet)

İngiliz Alfabesi (English Alphabet)

A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z

Türk Alfabesi (Turkish Alphabet)

A a B b C c Ç ç D d E e F f G g Ğ ğ H h I ı İ i J j K k L l M m N n O o Ö ö P p R r S s Ş ş T t U u Ü ü V v Y y Z z

There are 29 letters in the Turkish alphabet : 8 vowels ( a, e, o, ö, u, ü, ı, i ) and 21 consonants.

A , a Anne (mother) as in : cut, come, other, cup, bun, truck
B , b Baba (father) bad, bus, big, beautiful
C , c Cadde (street) jelly, jam, jar, John
Ç , ç Çocuk (child) chocolate, church, change
D , d Dede (grandfather) do, dear, did, dare
E , e Elma (apple) test, red, net, bed
F , f Fermuar (zipper) fine, feet, effort, find
G , g Gün (day) get, goat, go, egg
Ğ , ğ Dağ (mountain) neighbour, weight
H , h Hava(air) how, help, house, hard
I ,   ı Isı (heat) wanted, cousin, bacon, butter
İ ,   i İş (work) free, it, feet, free, sit
J ,  j Jöle (jelly) leisure, pleasure, measure
K , k Kardeş (sibling) king, kite, cat, cold
L , l Leylek (crane) lock, love, lilac, lorry
M , m Masa (table) man, moon, me, mine
N ,  n Nem (moisture) no, nine, noon, name
O ,  o Oyun (game) no, for, poet
Ö ,  ö Ördek (duck) bird, dirt, girl, sir ( as in French "deux", in German "ö")
P ,   p Para (money) pie, pen, paper, pebble
R ,  r Resim (picture) red, ribbon, round
S ,  s Sabah (morning) send, sea, decide, sing
Ş ,  ş Şahit (witness) shade, she, ash, sharp
T ,  t Turşu (pickle) tell, tea, tie, tin
U ,  u Uçak (plane) book, pull, put, foot
Ü , ü Üzüm (grape) New ( as in French "tu", "sur", in German "Düsseldorf")
V ,  v Vazo (vase) vase, vision, volume, value
Y ,  y Yoğurt (yogurt) yogurt, yes, yet, year, you
Z ,  z Zil (bell) zero, zoo, horizon, zone


The English letters q, x, w are not found in the Turkish alphabet.  The x sound is written ks in some words taken from other languages : 

taksi = taxi


ekspres = express

Ğ , ğ  has no distinct pronunciation; it is not pronounced as an independent letter.  It is always preceded by a vowel and it lengthens the vowel coming before it.  So it makes the preceding vowel longer ( e.g. "yoğurt" pronounced as /yoourt/ or "yağmur" pronounced as /yaamur/ ).

If the vowel following ğ is u , in this case, both vowels are distinctly heard : ( e.g. soguk )

If it is followed as well as preceded by the vowels e, i, o, u, it resembles a weak y  ( e.g. iğne  /iyne/ )

Turkish is generally pronounced the same way as it is written.

In Turkish, each letter stands for a single sound, so generally each letter is pronounced.

Turkish words are generally stressed on the last syllable.